Have you ever thought about the natural beauty of your country? How it is protected or what it is needed for in our life. The answer to these questions is National Parks. This is a huge “house” on public land reserved for local plants and animals. In addition, national parks are home to many endangered species of animals and plants, and also help us learn about the environment and the history of wild life. There are 5 national parks in Almaty: Ile-Alatau, Altyn-Emel, Charyn, Kolsai Lakes State National Natural Park and Zhongar-Alatau National Park.
Ile-Alatau State National Park

This National Narc is one of the most visited and popular among city residents and tourists. The area of the national park is 198,669 hectares. The purpose of the Ile-Alatau NP is to preserve the unique landscapes of Kazakhstan, flora and fauna and improve conditions for tourism and recreation. This is the closest NP to the city, as anyone can get to the pearl of the southern capital – the Big Almaty Lake in just 30 minutes. Everyone who visits this park does not leave indifferent, because it is on this territory that many beautiful places are located: Kok-Zhailau, the Assi Plateau and the Turgen gorge. 30-40 min by car 15 km, from Almaty.
Altyn Emel National Park

Altyn Emel is a national park in the Ili River Valley, which is considered the largest in Kazakhstan. There is everything here to meet the needs of even the most experienced tourist. Desert dunes resemble a scene from the movie “Star Wars”, ancient open-air shrines add mysticism to this area, which should be explored by all tourists visiting the Almaty region. The total area of Altyn Emel is 307,653.35 thousand hectares, and the park is very rich in mountain, gravel-clay-desert landscape complexes. But the most famous places in this territory are the singing dunes, the Katutau Mountains, the Chokan Valikhanov spring in the Kokbastau tract. Of these, the singing dunes are considered the most popular, many visit this place and say that it looks like a Safari. 4 hours by car 250 km from Almaty, Ili River valley
Charyn State National Park

Charyn State National Park was founded in 2004, and since then its importance for our state is very great. To protect such a treasure of our country, the Forestry and Wildlife Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture is making every effort. Initially, from 2004 to 2009, the area of the park was only 93,150 hectares. but after the decision made in 2009, it was expanded to 127,050 hectares. There is one place in the park that attracts everyone’s attention – the Charyn Canyon, also known as the “younger brother of the Grand Canyon” and the “Valley of Castles”. The canyon fascinates all visitors with its clay-sand mountains and stone cliffs. 3 hours by car 213 km from the city.
Kolsai Lakes State National Nature Park.

This National Park was established in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on February 7, 2007. The main attractions of this place are: Kolsai Lakes and Kaindy Lake. There are more than 700 species of plants in this park, and thus the flora is diverse and beautiful. Some of them are endangered and therefore listed in the Red Book: feathered grass Kungei, Golden Adonis, Tian shan Adonis, orange jaundice, spruce Shrenka and others. The untouched nature of the park is soothing, exciting and at the same time wonderful. 4 hours by car 285 km from the city.
Zhongar-Alatau National Park

This national park has an area of 356,022 hectares. It was established in 2010, on April 30 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The park is located in three different districts of Almaty region: Aksu, Sarkand and Alakol. Accordingly , there are three branches of the park: 1. Sarkandsky, Almaty region, Sarkandsky district, Sarkand; 2. Lepsinsky, Almaty region, Alakolsky district, Lepsinsk village; 3. Alakolsky, Almaty region, Alakolsky district, Kokzhar village. The purpose of this park is to protect biodiversity and natural mountain landscapes, which have a special ecological value for our country. And also, the historical and aesthetic significance of the park is very important. Apple forests need special care, as they are sources of global genetic resources. 30 min. by car 18 km. from the city