In the national Park of Ile-Alatau there is a beautiful corner of nature – Turgen gorge.
The picturesque plateau high in the mountains

Ile-Alatau National Park is a source of stunning natural beauty. The Turgen waterfalls are well known to Almaty citizens; every resident of the city has been there at least once. But not everyone knows that if you drive up the gorge to the very end, you can climb to the stunningly beautiful Assy plateau located at an altitude of 2,560 meters above sea level.
Planetary Observatory

One of the unique natural features of the plateau is the perfect astroclimate. That’s why the observatory with one of the world’s largest telescopes is located here. Clear air, the absence of nearby settlements with their light pollution, low turbulence – these conditions give an astronomer the opportunity to make their discoveries and explore new areas of the starry sky.
Alpine grass

The best time to visit the plateau would be, no doubt, between the end of May and the beginning of June. During that time the fragrant grass is blooming in the mountains. Driving along the plateau, you will drown in the islands of yellow, white, pink, blue, purple flowers, and the intoxicating aroma of herbs will give you incomparable pleasure. The river Kishi-Turgen flows from the northern edge of the plateau, and you can drink crystal clear cold mountain water from it.
On a personal car The road takes about 2 hours one way